Stock Information


Where We Operate

Since the opening of a first store in Laval, Québec, Alimentation Couche-Tard has never ceased to grow. As one of the world’s largest convenience retailers, we have a footprint across the globe.

World map
North America map
Europe map
International map


  • ~16,800


  • /
  • 31

    Countries & territories

  • /
  • ~ 149,000


North America

  • 2,132

    Stores across Canada

  • /
  • 7,107

    Stores across United States

  • /
  • ~ 99,000

    Employees in North America (Canada and United States)

Europe and Other Regions

  • 5,271

    Stores (including automated & Hong Kong)

  • /
  • 14

    Countries & territories

  • /
  • ~ 50,000


International Footprint

  • 2,293

    Stores (under licensing agreements)

  • /
  • 16

    Countries & territories

Press releases

September 8, 2024

Alimentation Couche-Tard comments on Seven & i Holdings' response not to engage in friendly discussions regarding a value creation combination


September 4, 2024

Alimentation Couche-Tard announces its results for its first quarter of fiscal year 2025


August 19, 2024

Alimentation Couche-Tard to acquire GetGo Cafe + Market Stores from Giant Eagle

Celebrating our strategic growth journey

Working together for a responsible future

We firmly believe sustainability is integral to our business and an important part of our values as a responsible retailer to create positive impacts on our economy, society and global climate.